
Chadwick balancer 8350 photocell
Chadwick balancer 8350 photocell

chadwick balancer 8350 photocell


chadwick balancer 8350 photocell

THE FORGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. During this period, if a gearbox must be overhauled due to failure of a part which was defective when it left the factory, RHC will pro-rate the cost of the overhaul by dividing the hours in service bV 22OO or the months in service by thirty-six (36), whichever fraction is greater. ADDITIONAL WARRANTY FOR MAIN & TAIL GEARBOXES ln addition to the warranty specified above, an extended pro-rated warranty shall apply to the main and tail gearboxes for the first 22OO hours of service or three years from the date of manufacture, whichever event occurs first. New aircraft are equipped with new engines which have a separate Lycoming limited warranty. RHC makes no Warranty with respect to batteries, instruments, avionics or other trade accessories since they are usually warranted separately by their respective manufacturers. No credit will be issued for trouble-shooting. However, RHC will credit the RHC Dealership, which sold and delivered the new helicopter to its original owner, with an allowance for labor performed by that Dealership for removing and reinstalling the defective part. RHC is not responsible for the cost of shippingparts under the terms of this Warranty.

chadwick balancer 8350 photocell

This Warranty shall not apply to any helicopter, which has been crated for shipping unless sueh crating is performed by RHC. This Warranty shall not apply to any helicopter or part which has been subject to corrosion, misttse,negligence or accident, nor to any parts normally replaced during routine maintenance, such as, air cleaners, skid shoes,rod end or spherical bearings,light bulbs, ete. This Warranty shall not apply to any helicopter or part which has been repaired or altered outside the factory, and which, in RHC's judgment, has affected the performance or reliability of the helicopter or part. Such replacement parts are warranted only for the remainder of the original warranty period. A new warranty period is not established for parts replaced under the terms of this Warranty. This Warranty is limited to repair or replacement on an exchange basis, as selected by RHC, of any part, which upon examination bV RHC is deemed to have been defective when the aircraft left the factory. (hereafter referred to as RHC) warrants each new helicopter to be free from defects in material and workmanship appearing within two years from the date of delivery from the RHC factory or during the first one thousand (lOO0 hours of operation, whichever event occurs first provided, the aircraft has been subjected to normal use and service.

chadwick balancer 8350 photocell

LIMITED AIRCRAFT WARRANTY Effective R22 S/N 3318 & on R44 S/N | 2O2 & on RobinsonHelicopter Company, lnc.

Chadwick balancer 8350 photocell