Designed to work with almost any computer/PC. Multi-touch supporting keyboard, mouse, and mouse-pad.I strongly recommend using Bluestacks Emulator v3.0 to play Clash Royale PC because of: Moreover, a few days ago, Bluestacks finally released version 3.0 of this fabulous Android emulator after several years in development. Also, we all can easily see how popular this software is! This is definitely the best emulator that you could find at the moment. Throughout the years, a bunch of Bluestacks versions was implemented, along with so many improvements.

The public alpha version of Bluestacks was released in 2011. Maybe you don’t know, Bluestacks is one of the very first Android emulators. Why not Genymotion, MEMU or any other popular Android emulator? To download Bluestacks you can access directly from the following link.Now a lot of players would ask me why I recommend using Bluestacks. You will now be able to enjoy Clash Royale on your computer, whether it is Windows or Mac.Select “Install” and wait briefly for the download and installation to complete.Use the search engine within Bluestacks and search for Clash Royale.Once the download is executed, open the emulator and enter your email to access your Play Store account or create a new one.(The most recommended option is the Bluestacks). In order to download the emulator and start playing you have to follow the steps below: It is a very simple way to enjoy this game on our computer, with all the possibilities it offers, such as 1vs1 battles, 2vs2, and tournaments. Play Clash Royale on PC is possible thanks to an Android emulator for PC. Clash Royale also has tournament mode in which we can compete with a lot of players. The objective is to destroy as many of our opponent’s towers as possible in order to obtain crowns, which will help us successfully overcome each battle. These towers will be attacked by different troops that we will have previously raised to the best possible level. Both of us will have three towers that will be in charge of defending during the battle. In this game we will have a rival and a time of 3 minutes to defeat him. It is a real-time strategy game that will allow us to use the same characters from other games of the company (Archers, Giants, Knights, Bomb Men, etc) with a totally new gameplay, as we will have to get the best combination of troops to defend our towers and our battlefield. Clash Royale is a famous video game developed by SuperCell available to play on Android devices.