However, his school life is filled with many hurdles and interesting characters. This shifted the social structure to favoring females over males, until Every Man Ichika Orimura becomes the first male to activate an IS and is soon thrust into a new life as a new student at the prestigious - and previously all-female - Infinite Stratos Academy. save for one flaw - only women could pilot it. The weapon was soon adopted by several nations. Check out the Forum to see what the community is working on, to give feedback or just to say hi.Sometime in the Future, a new exoskeleton called the Infinite Stratos (IS) system was developed in Japan and quickly demonstrated just how easily it could take out a variety of conventional military weapons.Uploading images is another really easy way to help out, click here.If you are new to wiki fandoms, check out the.

You can add info anonymously or login and gain the ability to upload images, blog and see less ads. Infinite Stratos Description ( NEW!!) - Currently editing the character pages such that now individual IS have their own pages (Similar to the Gundam Wikia).Much appreciation though to those who have seen the novel and can help us translate and put it here please. Light Novel Summaries - For now the light novel is licensed, so we will wait till the translations come out, then we slowly add here.Manga summaries and details - If you can update them, it would be helpful please as we are really falling behind in chapters and Volumes Listings as we are having trouble finding the info to put up.Episode summaries and details - We seriously need people who have watched the anime for this.Terminologies - The elements of this world with probably real-world explanatory.For now, please update their individual synopsis through the anime episodes (of all seasons please), though if you want to include the light novel parts, you may do so. Characters of Infinite Stratos - Both Major and Minor Characters from the novel, anime and manga.As much as possible, DO NOT delete something. When possible in editing the contents of characters, please do a ton of research first before adding/deleting something to avoid errors. Some info and events can overlap and be used to add canon, but others will conflict, overlook or present a different variation to the light novel. When possible, try to separate light novel info/events from the anime or manga info/events when appropriate.